Love: Am I over my ex?

Love: Am I over my ex?

It can be really hard to tell if you've moved on, take our quiz and face up to the truth.

You see your ex out shopping, do you?

You're at a party and someone you used to fancy smiles at you from across the room do you?

You hear a rumour that your ex fancies someone else. Do you...

Valentine's day is approaching, so you...

Your best friend admits that they didn't really like your ex, you...

You hear your ex is suddenly moving to America. You...

At the moment your favourite song is...

Your ex de-friends you on Facebook, you…

You win a competition to go on a date with the celebrity you fancy most on the planet, your reaction is...

The worst happens. Your ex is going out with the fittest person in the world. Your first thought is...

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